When: Saturday, June 29th, 2024,
Swap 9am – 3pm
Game Night 5pm-10pm
Renton Bible Church (in the parking lot)
973 Union Ave NE
Renton, WA 98059
NOTE: Please have your name/username(s) on a sign at your table, to help others to find you!
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/bMGgu65fZx
FAQ: https://bgflea.com/forum/topic/faq-frequently-asked-questions/
BGG Thread: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/3296192
Math Trade: https://boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/337409
Ed's Cullapalooza "Games for Sale" (Update Attending Trade All Day -Table w/ Blue Canopy with Sign)
Quote from MeepleMedley on June 21, 2024, 5:07 pmI will be at my table with a blue canopy and a MeepleMedley sign. You can pay cash or PayPal & pick up your games.
(Please look for sign. I will probably not be the only table with a blue canopy HA HA)
I'm out of shelf space so it's Cullapalooza time! I will be attending the swap and will accept cash or PayPal on site. All games in very good condition unless otherwise stated *.
Air, Land & Sea (2019) $5.00
Akrotiri (2014) $10.00
Among the Stars (2012) *(Good Condition) $10.00
Around the World in 80 Days (2004) *(Fair Condition Tape on Box Corner) $5.00
Canopy (2021) $5.00@freaklet31Carcassonne: The Dice Game (Tin in good shape) (2011) $3.00
Catan: Junior *(Box has creases on cover) $5.00
Cartographers (2019) $5.00@zackdaleCeylon (2018) $10.00
Chai (2019) w/ (Chai High Tea Expansion and Metal Coins) $30.00@probablyterribleClank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure (2017) $15.00
Creature Comforts (English edition) (2022) $15.00@freaklet31The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine (2019) $5.00
Cryptid (2018) $10.00@dyydee
Curious Cargo (2020) $10.00@jbrown98023Deckscape: The Fate of London (English edition) (2017) $3.00
Deckscape: The Mystery of Eldorado (2018) $3.00
Dice Forge w/ (Rebellion Expansion is NIS) (2017) $20.00@freaklet31Dungeons & Dragons: Adventure Begins (2020) $10.00
Endangered (2020) $10.00
Evacuation (2023) $25.00@helendiscovers
Expedition to Newdale (2019) (NIS) $20.00@tonybates
Fantastic Factories (2019) $10.00@lazyotakuFields of Green (2016) $10.00
Fireball Island: The Curse of Vul-Kar (Not Target Version) (2018) $15.00
Forbidden Desert (Tin in good shape) (2013) $5.00
The Game (English edition) (2018) $5.00
Gingerbread House (2018) $10.00
Glasgow (English edition) (2020) $10.00
Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion (2020) *(Fair Condition, NEEDS RECHARGE PACK) $5.00
Gùgõng (2018) $20.00@rskaramanyanHit Z Road (2016) $10.00
Horrified (2019) $5.00@cassacom
Infinity Gauntlet: A Love Letter Game (2020) $3.00@rococo_zephyrImaginarium (2018) Gauntlet: A Love Letter Game (2020) $10.00
Kingdom Builder (2011) $15.00
Kodama Duo (2018) $5.00
L.L.A.M.A. (2019) $5.00@zorgwestLift Off (2018) $10.00
Living Forest (2022 Kennerspiel des Jahres Winner) (2021) $15.00@comradevinLlamaland (2021) $ 20.00
Sand (2024) $25.00
Spirit Island (2017) $20.00@probablyterribleTenpenny Parks (2022) $15.00
Terra Nova (2022) $10.00@tonybates
Terracotta Army (2022) $15.00@rob-pThebes (2007) $10.00
Tiny Epic Dinosaurs (2020) $5.00@thing
Tiny Epic Galaxies (2015) $5.00@thingTiny Epic Quest (2017) $5.00
Tiny Epic Zombies (KSE) (2018) $5.00@probablyterribleUnmatched: Battle of Legends, Volume One (2019) $15.00
Unmatched: Cobble & Fog (2020) $15.00
Unmatched: Hell's Kitchen (NIS) (English edition) (2022) $10.00@alvinyu20Unmatched: Little Red Riding Hood vs. Beowulf (2020) $10.00
Unmatched: Robin Hood vs. Bigfoot (2019) $10.00
Viceroy (2014) $5.00
Victorian Masterminds (2019) $5.00
LUNA Capital (2021) $10.00
Maharani (2012) $10.00
Marvel: Age of Heroes (2023) $15.00@rococo_zephyrMegaland (2018) $10.00
MicroMacro: Crime City - Full House (NIS) (2021) $5.00@ninorsaur
The Mind (2018) $3.00@thing
My Farm Shop (2020) $15.00@willravenMy Little Scythe (2017) $20.00
Mysterium Park (2020) $10,00
Mystery of the Temples (2017) $10.00
Mystic Vale (2016) $10.00@kingwhackerNations *(Box corners showing some slight hazing) (2013) $20.00
NEOM (2018) $5.00@itzbharathNoch Mal! (Encore!) (2016) $5.00
Nova Luna (2019) $10.00
Origins: First Builders (2021) $15.00
Pandemic *(Box cover has some small dents but no holes) (2008) $5.00@plisskin010Porta Nigra (2015) $10.00
The Quest for El Dorado (Not newest artwork edition Ravensburger, 2017 — front cover) (2017) $10.00@infi01Raccoon Tycoon (2018) $10.00
Red Rising (2021) $10.00
Red7 (2014) (NIS) $5.00
Rivals for Catan *(Fair Condition) (2010) $5.00
Round House (2016) $10.00
Savannah Park (2021) $10.00
Sorcerer & Stones (2017) $10.00
Zombie Dice (Tube in good shape) (2010) w/ (School Bus Expansion) $5.00
I will be at my table with a blue canopy and a MeepleMedley sign. You can pay cash or PayPal & pick up your games.
(Please look for sign. I will probably not be the only table with a blue canopy HA HA)
I'm out of shelf space so it's Cullapalooza time! I will be attending the swap and will accept cash or PayPal on site. All games in very good condition unless otherwise stated *.
Air, Land & Sea (2019) $5.00
Akrotiri (2014) $10.00
Among the Stars (2012) *(Good Condition) $10.00
Around the World in 80 Days (2004) *(Fair Condition Tape on Box Corner) $5.00
Canopy (2021) $5.00 @freaklet31
Carcassonne: The Dice Game (Tin in good shape) (2011) $3.00
Catan: Junior *(Box has creases on cover) $5.00
Cartographers (2019) $5.00 @zackdale
Ceylon (2018) $10.00
Chai (2019) w/ (Chai High Tea Expansion and Metal Coins) $30.00 @probablyterrible
Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure (2017) $15.00
Creature Comforts (English edition) (2022) $15.00 @freaklet31
The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine (2019) $5.00
Cryptid (2018) $10.00 @dyydee
Curious Cargo (2020) $10.00 @jbrown98023
Deckscape: The Fate of London (English edition) (2017) $3.00
Deckscape: The Mystery of Eldorado (2018) $3.00
Dice Forge w/ (Rebellion Expansion is NIS) (2017) $20.00 @freaklet31
Dungeons & Dragons: Adventure Begins (2020) $10.00
Endangered (2020) $10.00
Evacuation (2023) $25.00@helendiscovers
Expedition to Newdale (2019) (NIS) $20.00 @tonybates
Fantastic Factories (2019) $10.00 @lazyotaku
Fields of Green (2016) $10.00
Fireball Island: The Curse of Vul-Kar (Not Target Version) (2018) $15.00
Forbidden Desert (Tin in good shape) (2013) $5.00
The Game (English edition) (2018) $5.00
Gingerbread House (2018) $10.00
Glasgow (English edition) (2020) $10.00
Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion (2020) *(Fair Condition, NEEDS RECHARGE PACK) $5.00
Gùgõng (2018) $20.00@rskaramanyan
Hit Z Road (2016) $10.00
Horrified (2019) $5.00 @cassacom
Infinity Gauntlet: A Love Letter Game (2020) $3.00 @rococo_zephyr
Imaginarium (2018) Gauntlet: A Love Letter Game (2020) $10.00
Kingdom Builder (2011) $15.00
Kodama Duo (2018) $5.00
L.L.A.M.A. (2019) $5.00 @zorgwest
Lift Off (2018) $10.00
Living Forest (2022 Kennerspiel des Jahres Winner) (2021) $15.00 @comradevin
Llamaland (2021) $ 20.00
Sand (2024) $25.00
Spirit Island (2017) $20.00 @probablyterrible
Tenpenny Parks (2022) $15.00
Terra Nova (2022) $10.00 @tonybates
Terracotta Army (2022) $15.00 @rob-p
Thebes (2007) $10.00
Tiny Epic Dinosaurs (2020) $5.00 @thing
Tiny Epic Galaxies (2015) $5.00 @thing
Tiny Epic Quest (2017) $5.00
Tiny Epic Zombies (KSE) (2018) $5.00 @probablyterrible
Unmatched: Battle of Legends, Volume One (2019) $15.00
Unmatched: Cobble & Fog (2020) $15.00
Unmatched: Hell's Kitchen (NIS) (English edition) (2022) $10.00 @alvinyu20
Unmatched: Little Red Riding Hood vs. Beowulf (2020) $10.00
Unmatched: Robin Hood vs. Bigfoot (2019) $10.00
Viceroy (2014) $5.00
Victorian Masterminds (2019) $5.00
LUNA Capital (2021) $10.00
Maharani (2012) $10.00
Marvel: Age of Heroes (2023) $15.00 @rococo_zephyr
Megaland (2018) $10.00
MicroMacro: Crime City - Full House (NIS) (2021) $5.00 @ninorsaur
The Mind (2018) $3.00 @thing
My Farm Shop (2020) $15.00 @willraven
My Little Scythe (2017) $20.00
Mysterium Park (2020) $10,00
Mystery of the Temples (2017) $10.00
Mystic Vale (2016) $10.00 @kingwhacker
Nations *(Box corners showing some slight hazing) (2013) $20.00
NEOM (2018) $5.00 @itzbharath
Noch Mal! (Encore!) (2016) $5.00
Nova Luna (2019) $10.00
Origins: First Builders (2021) $15.00
Pandemic *(Box cover has some small dents but no holes) (2008) $5.00 @plisskin010
Porta Nigra (2015) $10.00
The Quest for El Dorado (Not newest artwork edition Ravensburger, 2017 — front cover) (2017) $10.00 @infi01
Raccoon Tycoon (2018) $10.00
Red Rising (2021) $10.00
Red7 (2014) (NIS) $5.00
Rivals for Catan *(Fair Condition) (2010) $5.00
Round House (2016) $10.00
Savannah Park (2021) $10.00
Sorcerer & Stones (2017) $10.00
Zombie Dice (Tube in good shape) (2010) w/ (School Bus Expansion) $5.00
Quote from MeepleMedley on June 21, 2024, 5:11 pmI will put your name on it.
I will put your name on it.
Quote from rskaramanyan on June 21, 2024, 5:13 pmI'd like Gugong, please.
I'd like Gugong, please.
Quote from soonertbone on June 21, 2024, 5:35 pmI'd like Expedition to Newdale and Terra Nova please!
I'd like Expedition to Newdale and Terra Nova please!
Quote from Ivyhymn on June 21, 2024, 5:41 pmWould you consider selling the expansion for Dice Forge separately?
Also interested in Tiny Epic Dinosaurs.
Would you consider selling the expansion for Dice Forge separately?
Also interested in Tiny Epic Dinosaurs.
Quote from probablyterrible on June 21, 2024, 5:56 pmI'll take Spirit Island and Tiny Epic Zombies.
Edit: Chai as well.
I'll take Spirit Island and Tiny Epic Zombies.
Edit: Chai as well.
Quote from Rococo_Zephyr on June 22, 2024, 12:16 amI have a little Marvel fan, so may I please claim Infinity Gauntlet and Marvel: Age of Heroes?
I have a little Marvel fan, so may I please claim Infinity Gauntlet and Marvel: Age of Heroes?
Quote from freaklet31 on June 22, 2024, 7:18 amCreature comforts , Dice Forge and expansion if it’s still available , and Canopy please
Creature comforts , Dice Forge and expansion if it’s still available , and Canopy please
Quote from MeepleMedley on June 22, 2024, 8:09 amQuote from freaklet31 on June 22, 2024, 7:18 amCreature comforts , Dice Forge and expansion if it’s still available , and Canopy please
I put your name on them
Quote from freaklet31 on June 22, 2024, 7:18 amCreature comforts , Dice Forge and expansion if it’s still available , and Canopy please
I put your name on them
Quote from MeepleMedley on June 22, 2024, 8:10 amQuote from Rococo_Zephyr on June 22, 2024, 12:16 amI have a little Marvel fan, so may I please claim Infinity Gauntlet and Marvel: Age of Heroes?
I put your name on them
Quote from Rococo_Zephyr on June 22, 2024, 12:16 amI have a little Marvel fan, so may I please claim Infinity Gauntlet and Marvel: Age of Heroes?
I put your name on them
Quote from MeepleMedley on June 22, 2024, 8:11 amQuote from zackdale on June 21, 2024, 6:25 pmI’ll take Cartographers please
I put your name on it
Quote from zackdale on June 21, 2024, 6:25 pmI’ll take Cartographers please
I put your name on it
Quote from MeepleMedley on June 22, 2024, 8:14 amQuote from willraven on June 21, 2024, 6:22 pmI would love My Farm Shop!
I put your name on it
Quote from willraven on June 21, 2024, 6:22 pmI would love My Farm Shop!
I put your name on it
Quote from MeepleMedley on June 22, 2024, 8:15 amQuote from probablyterrible on June 21, 2024, 5:56 pmI'll take Spirit Island and Tiny Epic Zombies.
Edit: Chai as well.
I put your name on them
Quote from probablyterrible on June 21, 2024, 5:56 pmI'll take Spirit Island and Tiny Epic Zombies.
Edit: Chai as well.
I put your name on them
Quote from MeepleMedley on June 22, 2024, 8:15 amQuote from LazyOtaku on June 21, 2024, 5:44 pmI'll take Fantastic Factories
I put your name on it
Quote from LazyOtaku on June 21, 2024, 5:44 pmI'll take Fantastic Factories
I put your name on it
Quote from MeepleMedley on June 22, 2024, 8:16 amQuote from soonertbone on June 21, 2024, 5:35 pmI'd like Expedition to Newdale and Terra Nova please!
I put you name on them
Quote from soonertbone on June 21, 2024, 5:35 pmI'd like Expedition to Newdale and Terra Nova please!
I put you name on them
Quote from MeepleMedley on June 22, 2024, 8:17 amQuote from helendiscovers on June 21, 2024, 5:11 pmI'll take Evacuation!
I put you name on it
Quote from helendiscovers on June 21, 2024, 5:11 pmI'll take Evacuation!
I put you name on it
Quote from MeepleMedley on June 22, 2024, 8:18 amQuote from ninorsaur on June 21, 2024, 5:10 pmMicroMacro please!
I put your name on it
Quote from ninorsaur on June 21, 2024, 5:10 pmMicroMacro please!
I put your name on it
Quote from KingWhacker on June 22, 2024, 10:04 amI'll take Mystic Vale please.
I'll take Mystic Vale please.
Quote from MeepleMedley on June 22, 2024, 10:47 amQuote from KingWhacker on June 22, 2024, 10:04 amI'll take Mystic Vale please.
I put your name on it
Quote from KingWhacker on June 22, 2024, 10:04 amI'll take Mystic Vale please.
I put your name on it
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