When: Saturday, June 29th, 2024,
Swap 9am – 3pm
Game Night 5pm-10pm

Renton Bible Church (in the parking lot)
973 Union Ave NE
Renton, WA 98059

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/bMGgu65fZx
FAQ: https://bgflea.com/forum/topic/faq-frequently-asked-questions/
BGG Threadhttps://boardgamegeek.com/thread/3296192
Math Tradehttps://boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/337409

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New Frontiers, Concordia expansions, Imperium Horizons, and a few more...

Looking for the following. Happy to talk trade, cash, or a combo of both.

  • New Frontiers
  • Concordia expansions
    • Aegyptus/Creta
    • Britannia/Germania
    • Gallia/Corsica
    • Salsa
    • Solitaria
  • Imperium: Horizons
  • Heaven and Ale: Kegs and More expansion
  • Heading Forward
  • QE: Commodities expansion


Then a few that are probably longer shots, but might as well throw them out there.

  • Consentacle
  • Ausonia expansions
  • Ferox
  • The Road
  • Perfumery
  • Garden Competition

If you are staying afterwards to game. We can try out Perfumery together 🙂 

I have New Frontiers.  BGG cappinron message

Quote from freaklet31 on June 3, 2024, 10:57 pm

If you are staying afterwards to game. We can try out Perfumery together 🙂 

I'm not sure if I'll be staying that late but if so, that'd be awesome!

Quote from cappinron on June 6, 2024, 1:21 pm

I have New Frontiers.  BGG cappinron message

Sweet. I'll hit you up on BGG.