When: Saturday, June 29th, 2024,
Swap 9am – 3pm
Game Night 5pm-10pm

Renton Bible Church (in the parking lot)
973 Union Ave NE
Renton, WA 98059

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Star Wars Unlimited Set 1 For Sale

Getting out of the game and selling the entire collection I have which consists of what's listed below. Going to aim to sell it all in one so hopefully whoever is looking to get into the game will have exactly what they need to get off the ground into the next set. Will be pricing this at 80% of value from TCGPlayer, without shipping costs thrown in. Everything calculated into the price will be shown below. 

Card list:

Bolded = Foil

Italics = Hyperspace

Bolded Italic = Foil Hyperspace

  • Darth Vader - 50
  • K-2SO - 6.4
  • Foil K-2SO - 8
  • Red Three - 19.2
  • Devastator - 9.8
  • Black One - 5.6
  • Black One - 6.6
  • Snowtrooper Lieutenant - 2.4
  • Crafty Smuggle - 2
  • Millenium Falcon - 28.8
  • Mace Windu - 6
  • For a Cause I Believe In - 28
  • 3 x Vigilance - 30 each
  • Steadfast Battalion - 2
  • Force Throw - 4.3
  • Chopper - 2.2
  • Bib Fortuna - 2.4
  • Chewbacca (yellow unit) - 3.6
  • 2 x Rukh - 4.8 each
  • Jedi Lightsaber - 1.75
  • 3 x Fallen Lightsaber - 1.75 each
  • 3 x Cunning - 26 each
  • 3 x Home One - 13 each
  • 3 x U-Wing Reinforcement - 4.4 each
  • 3 x Fett's Firespray - 3 each
  • 3 x Strafing Gunship - 2 each
  • 3 x Regional Governor - 1.5 each
  • Count Dooku - 4.5
  • 3 x Count Dooku - 2.8 each
  • 3 x Gideon Hask - 2.5 each
  • 2 x Boba Fett - 41 each
  • Boba Fett - 124
  • Avenger - 18.8
  • 3 x Seventh Sister - 4 each
  • 2 x Emperor Palpatine - 1.8 each
  • Traitorous - 2.6

2-player starter pack cards are mixed in as well, will count those as 15. Will add in all commons/uncommons/rares/bases/leaders as well that were obtained for 10.

Comes with double deck pod (black) - 48. Throwing in a 3D printed empire life tracker as well (original link here, colors are reversed for Empire). There are a few cardboard tokens that came with the 2-player set that are here as well that can be included too.


Totals out to 780 with that 20% discount off, with enough to make multiple decks of any colors including higher tier ones. Let me know if interested! Thanks!