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Greetings, Boardgamer!

If you are intending to sell at the meet, please reply to this message letting us know. 

This is so we can anticipate table availability and keep traders informed - Nothing else. 


Many thanks!
~DM Charlie~

I intend to sell at the swap.  Thanks!

The Board Game Ambassador and Charlie Branson have reacted to this post.
The Board Game AmbassadorCharlie Branson

I am intending to sell at the swap.

The Board Game Ambassador and Charlie Branson have reacted to this post.
The Board Game AmbassadorCharlie Branson

I am intending to sell at the swap.

I'm planning on selling.

I am intending to sell at the swap

I'll be selling at the swap, but I won't have much, less than 20 games. I could share a table with someone!

I intend to sell

I would like to sell. I can bring a table if that would help.

Charlie Branson has reacted to this post.
Charlie Branson

I intend to sell and can bring a table if needed

Charlie Branson has reacted to this post.
Charlie Branson

I just realized that the swap is the same weekend as the Newburg game convention! I can't make, I'm already committed to NomCon!😫😫😫

I have posted the swap to multiple discords, hope that brings in some folks!

The Board Game Ambassador and Charlie Branson have reacted to this post.
The Board Game AmbassadorCharlie Branson

I'm intending to sell. I will bring a table for myself if needed.

Charlie Branson has reacted to this post.
Charlie Branson

I'm intending to be a seller.

Charlie Branson has reacted to this post.
Charlie Branson

I intend to sell at the swap. I brought my own table and could maybe bring a second table if needed.

Charlie Branson has reacted to this post.
Charlie Branson

I intend on selling.

Charlie Branson has reacted to this post.
Charlie Branson

I intend on selling at the swap.

Charlie Branson has reacted to this post.
Charlie Branson

I hope to sell at the swap

Charlie Branson has reacted to this post.
Charlie Branson

I hope to sell.  I'll have a small number of games to bring.

Charlie Branson has reacted to this post.
Charlie Branson

I intend on selling :). Ope, just looked and I won't make it this time. Next time :3

Charlie Branson has reacted to this post.
Charlie Branson

I have a very small box of TTRPG supplements to bring